It is a great honor to wear a badge on a uniform. The grade 6’s and 7’s of Vanwyksdorp’s Green Butterflies received badges in recognition of their positions within the Green Clubs. This was done with the aim of instilling a sense of pride, achievement, camaraderie and to promote recognized leadership within the school structure. It will also allow the juniors to look up to their leaders and be inspired by them and aspire to become a leader too. Some learners had two as they form part of two working teams. There was enormous pride as they were being called up to receive their badges. This is the first time for these learners – in fact it will be the first time the school has such an award. We also handed out their Green Butterflies t-shirts. These t’s and badges were kindly sponsored by LANDCARE OUDTSHOORN.
On Saturday, 20TH May 2017 the Green Butterflies visited Gamkaberg World Heritage Site. This trip was done in conjunction with Cape Nature. The main aim for this outing was to expose learners to a Nature Reserve, which is rich in biodiversity and wildlife. The Green Butterflies are keen on starting a Botanical Garden at their school and it was important to see the botanical side of a nature reserve. Two third year interns Natasha and Annelize took the learners on a short hike to learn about karoo plant diversity and medicinal properties. They also did a short presentation on plant types, how to identify plants, their classification and adaptations. Nombu did a presentation on fire and fynbos. The information centre was a highlight.
Proud receivers of badges above and visiting Gamkaberg below
(Photos: M. Vaccaro)