Herbertsdale Green Roses planning meeting

Herbertsdale Green Roses planning meeting

The Green Roses met on the 12th April 2018 following the Annual planning camp. The objectives for this meeting were the following: 1. To assess resources needed for each team; 2. To train committee members to run a meeting and fulfil their roles as committee members;...

Butterflies mass-producing seedlings

Andre Britz (GCBR) visited Vanwyksdorp Primary School during May to offer support to the Green Club especially the Seedling Project. Rika Louw, a member of the local food garden movement called KOS IN DIE KAROO has offered support and mentorship to the seedling...

Herbertsdale Green Roses camping and planning

The annual Green Club planning camp this year was held at Herbertsdale Primary. The aim of this annual camp is to elect the club’s committee as well as the project managers.  The camp also allows for the induction of the new grade 6’s who were taken though an...

Green Butterflies camping at Rooiberg

The annual Green Club planning camp for the Green Butterflies began with a welcoming and de-briefing session.  At this session the camp rules are set.  This includes things like greeting other guests, saying thank you, shouting, wastage, recycling etc.  and values...

Green Butterflies kicking off

Vanwyksdorp Primary kicked off with their Green Butterflies planning meeting for 2018 at the Rooiberg Lodge on the 15th January 2018. The Green Club Projects is a Landmark Foundation Environmental Education Program initiative and it is carried out in full partnership...

Windpomp Sjerrie Challenge

Windpomp Sjerrie Challenge

The WINDPOMP SJERRIE CHALLENGE name originates from what water meant to us. Symbols of water like the windpomp, illustrates the importance of sustainable resource management. The awareness about conserving water became evident in the whole of the Western &, and...

Spekkies Leaping Ahead

#spekkies has had a very successful few months, both in terms of sales and exposure for the product and the project. Andre Britz and Luami Zondagh were interviewed on the Kyknet television show “Grootplaas” regarding the Jobs for Carbon and #spekkies projects. To...

Artificial wetland a sewerage filtering system

The constructed wetland project in De Rust has seen successes and challenges over the course of 2017, however as the year draws to a close the project is well on its way to realizing its ultimate goal of returning the unusable wastewater - at the De Rust Sewage Works...

Progress with Jobs for Carbon Phase 2

The Jobs for Carbon teams are making great progress for the 2017-2018 project year, which will see the planting up of 50 hectares of degraded land with spekboom. With only three landowners left on whose land they need to plant, they have thus far finished planting in...

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