RESTORATIONUnlocking a Spekboom Economy in the Klein Karoo Klein Karoo2015 - 2018About the initiative: This was a capacity building project to support a semi-structured learning programme for the Jobs for Carbon management team about land restoration practices, the...
GCBR School Posters and Puzzles
EDUCATIONGCBR School Posters and Puzzles Mossel Bay Municipality2017 - 2018About the initiative: Design of a creative interactive poster about the GCBR for learners and teachers. The poster is accompanied by a booklet to guide teachers, and a workshop offered to...
Water Conservation Puppet Shows – “Druppels”
EDUCATIONWater Conservation Puppet Shows - “Druppels” Mossel Bay Municipality2018Veldkerjakkers PoppekasAbout the initiative: A puppet show called “Druppels” (“Droplets”) was rolled out during 2018, with the focal message on water security and the value of water. The...
Marine Conservation Puppet Shows – “Vin die Hartseer Haai”
EDUCATIONMarine Conservation Puppet Shows - “Vin die Hartseer Haai”Mossel Bay Municipality2017Veldkerjakkers PoppekasAbout the initiative: This project continued on from the initial momentum of the “Keep Fin Alive” campaign to promote shark conservation. It ensured...
Marine Conservation Campaign and Puppet Shows – “Keep Fin Alive”
EDUCATIONMarine Conservation Campaign and Puppet Shows - “Keep Fin Alive” Mossel Bay Municipality2017 - 2020Keep Fin Alive Campaign, Oceans Research and Veldkerjakkers PoppekasAbout the initiative: As apex predators, sharks are vitally important to the healthy...
Rethink Bags
COMMUNITYRethink BagsAbout the initiative: Rethink Bags was created in late 2017 for two main reasons. The first was a desire to assist young women who have not had opportunities to finish school and study further. There is a wealth of talent and passion lying wasted...