Windpomp Sjerrie Challenge

Windpomp Sjerrie Challenge

The WINDPOMP SJERRIE CHALLENGE name originates from what water meant to us. Symbols of water like the windpomp, illustrates the importance of sustainable resource management. The awareness about conserving water became evident in the whole of the Western &, and...

Spekkies Leaping Ahead

#spekkies has had a very successful few months, both in terms of sales and exposure for the product and the project. Andre Britz and Luami Zondagh were interviewed on the Kyknet television show “Grootplaas” regarding the Jobs for Carbon and #spekkies projects. To...

Progress with Jobs for Carbon Phase 2

The Jobs for Carbon teams are making great progress for the 2017-2018 project year, which will see the planting up of 50 hectares of degraded land with spekboom. With only three landowners left on whose land they need to plant, they have thus far finished planting in...

Thumbs-up for Jobs for Carbon!

INDEPENDENT REVIEW APPLAUDS J4C PROJECT An independent evaluation of the Jobs for Carbon project has been completed. The report hails the project and provides good advice on the way forward. According to the reviewers, the project objectives were broadly achieved, and...

Learning about the carbon economy

The Jobs4Carbon (J4C) project management team has embarked on a 'learning process' to help us better understand the carbon economy space, and from there to better assess opportunities for a growing J4C programme. A Table Mountain Fund grant is supporting this effort....

#spekkies: spekboomplantjies binnekort beskikbaar

#spekkies is ’n onderneming wat spekboomsteggies in spesiale planthouers aan die publiek beskikbaar gaan stel. Die onderneming is ’n uitvloeisel van die Jobs4Carbon-projek wat begin 2015 met onder meer Europese Unie-befondsing in die Vanwyksdorpgebied van stapel...

#spekkies = hope for the future…

The Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve (GCBR) has produced a biosphere-supporting product that will be used to augment restoration and community upliftment efforts run by the GCBR. This product is none other than our most beloved Portulacaria afra, better known as...

Spekboom – Miracle plant of the Klein Karoo

The Spekboom is an amazing plant. Botanists have known about it for centuries. They first documented it about 400 years ago as one of the most common plants in the Cape landscape. And today we know it as one of the iconic plants of the Little Karoo. A healthy spekboom...

Spekkiesgids vertel als oor spekbome

Spekkiesgids vertel als oor spekbome

Om meer te leer oor Spekboom, die wonderplant van die Gouritz Biosfeerreservaat, is daar die 'Spekkiesgids' om deur te werk. Dit is deur Marina Eilers vir die 'Jobs 4 Carbon' projek saamgestel. Die gids bevat leersame inligting, 'n lekker rympie, twee oulike liedjies,...

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