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Landscape rehabilitation.

To establish and maintain ecological corridors in the Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve, through landscape rehabilitation and promoting sustainable land-use practices by supporting farmers and landowners.

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The Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve (GCBR)

is a designated UNESCO Biosphere Reserve due to its globally significant biodiversity value.  The GCBR is also an action-oriented non-profit company, founded in 2011. We are driven to effectively restore and manage the natural ecosystems within our 3.2-million-hectare domain.

Our organisation is dedicated to the conservation of the region’s rich biodiversity, and the socio-economic development and wellbeing of its people. We aim to be a catalyst for change towards solving one of our greatest challenges: the disconnect between people and nature.

Our Vision:

People and nature living in harmony

Our Mission:

To restore and effectively manage the ecosystems on which all life in the GCBR domain depends.

Our Values:

Integrity, collaboration, innovation and sustainability.

“We champion people and nature living in harmony”


We are all aware that humanity completely depends on the natural ecosystems that support us and all other life on Earth.
2021 marks the start of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.
As part of a global effort, the Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve focuses on restoring degraded river, wetland, mountain and thicket ecosystems.

In the GCBR, we are growing collaborations with farmers and other landowners for effective fire and wildlife management, invasive alien plant control, river and wetland management.
We also plant thousands of spekboom and employ hard working field teams that clear tons of invasive plants.
We live and work in the spectacular, globally important Cape Floral Region; partner with us to create a healthy, resilient and safe place for future generations.

What is a Biosphere Reserve?

“Created in 1971, UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme (MAB) develops the basis for the sustainable use and conservation of biological diversity and for the improvement of the relationship between people and their environment globally.”


Biosphere reserves are areas of terrestrial and coastal or marine ecosystems that are internationally recognised as being of great natural and scientific value. By formally designating these areas, UNESCO promotes harmony at the human-environment interface, through increased understanding of the environment and greater involvement of science in environmental policy development. In essence, Biosphere Reserves are living laboratories and international test sites for sustainability in the 21st century.

Biosphere Reserve Zones Graphic

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Sponsorship is a ‘practical’ way of belonging to the GCBR.


You can also make once of or regular donations.

Leave a Legacy

Help us preserve a region where people live in harmony with our environment.


Sign up to become a volunteer today.


Apparel, clothing and merchandise in support of nature

Friends of the Biosphere

Friends of the Biosphere

The Friends of the Biosphere Programme connects businesses and communities in a structured and meaningful way; empowering communities to take ownership of their environmental future with support from the business sector. Together we can make a positive impact and help our towns flourish!


Our downloadable scientific reports, legislation and maps are open source.

Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve Videos

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