Consent Clause


In line with the Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013 (POPIA), I/ We acknowledge that I/ We have been adequately informed of my/  our rights and the purposes for which my/ our Personal Information will be processed by GCBR, and that I have read and accepted the terms of GCBR’s Privacy Policy (“the Privacy Policy”), as well as any Privacy Notice to which this acknowledgement relates (“Privacy Notice”), whether such Privacy Notice forms part of this process. GCBR’s Privacy Policy comprises an independent Privacy Notice which can be viewed on/ at GCBR’s Website(s). 

Accordingly, I/ We give my/ our consent to GCBR and approved third parties to lawfully collect, process, retain and distribute relevant Personal Information where it is required by GCBR for the purposes set forth in their Privacy Policy and more specifically in order for GCBR to comply with its obligations towards me/ us and for the purposes of advancement of the interests of the Biosphere Reserve in so far as partnerships and networks with champions across the domain: inter alia local action and youth groups, innovative farmers and associations, non-governmental organisations, faiths such as church groups, active mobilisation, hosting and facilitating multiple stakeholders to work together for ecological sustainability. 

Stakeholders include business, government, communities, educational establishments, foundations, farmers, para-statals, corporates, associations; and influencing public opinion, perceptions and behaviours with special attention to the youth and tomorrow’s leaders. statutory compliance, statistical analysis, as well as to directly market additional products and services to me/ us by means of electronic communications, in my/ our capacity as a client of GCBR.

I/ We understand my/ our right to privacy and the right to, upon request, have my/ our Personal Information reviewed and to object to GCBR for processing of my/ our Personal Information. In relation to any Personal Information pertaining to any third party/ies, such as my/ our including but not exclusive to service providers and/ or affiliates, in respect of which I/ We are a competent person or authorised, I/ We declare that I/ We am/ are in fact duly authorised to share any Personal Information as contemplated in this Agreement with GCBR and consent to the processing thereof for the purpose(s) set forth in GCBR’s Privacy Policy and/ or Privacy Notice.