Happy Nature:
Promoting Well-Being through Environmental and Positive Psychology Interconnectedness
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The Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve (GCBR) is an action-oriented non-profit organization founded in 2011, dedicated to protecting, strengthening, and restoring ecosystems within its 3.2-million-hectare UNESCO-designated area. Located across large portions of the Southern and Western Cape and the Klein Karoo region of South Africa, the GCBR encompasses diverse ecosystems, including fynbos, renosterveld, and succulent Karoo, which are rich in endemic plant species. These conservation efforts support biodiversity and provide natural spaces for recreation and relaxation, thereby enhancing well-being (Willis et al., 2024). In light of global crises such as environmental degradation, social inequality, and political instability, there is a critical need to integrate Positive Psychology (PP) with environmental stewardship to achieve sustainable well-being (Steger, 2024). While wealth can buffer against climate impacts, it often leads to higher consumption, larger carbon footprints, and a detachment from nature, negatively affecting mental health and sustainability (Willis et al., 2024). Similarly, Positive Psychology has significantly advanced individual well-being but now faces challenges that require a broader, more interconnected approach. The GCBR’s role in conserving ecosystems and promoting harmony between humans and nature offers a unique opportunity to explore the integration of PP principles in this context. Initiatives such as climate change mitigation through planting Spekboom (Portulacaria Afra) in arid ecosystems and large-scale ecosystem restoration by removing invasive alien plants from aquatic systems highlight the potential for combining environmental and psychological health. These efforts not only contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem resilience but also enhance human well-being through increased interaction with nature and community-based conservation activities.
Figure 1. GCBR Area

Figure 2: GCBR Work

To explore and advocate for the alignment of Positive Psychology (PP) principles with the strengths of the Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve (GCBR), promoting individual, interpersonal, and collective well-being through shared responsibility for environmental health, and incorporating the three pillars of Regenerative Positive Psychology (RPP)—expanded definitions of well-being, the science of well-being systems, and positive human caretaking.
Figure 3. Example of Characteristics of a Spekboom symbolised in Human Flourishing

- Literature Review (Levac et al., 2010)
- Comprehensive scoping review of existing research on Positive Psychology and environmental well-being, incorporating Regenerative Positive Psychology, by integrating ecological and environmental data to understand well-being within broader systems.
- Qualitative Action Research (Lewin, 1946)
- Autophotography: Use of ethnographic methods to capture personal experiences and connections with nature.
- Infographics: Visual representation of data to highlight key findings, promote awareness and to convey the interconnectedness of nature and human well-being.
- Biomimicry: Practical nature-based interventions to address the challenges of sustainable development (Sharma & Sarkar, 2019).
Anticipated Key Themes
Individual Well-being (ME)
- Biophilic Connection: Humans have an innate connection to nature, which positively affects health and well-being.
- Positive Psychology Interventions Activation:
- Mindfulness in Nature: Practicing mindfulness in natural settings can enhance mental health and reduce stress (Passmore & Holder, 2016).
- Nature-Based Intervention: Utilizing natural environments for therapeutic purposes can promote healing and well-being (Butler et al., 2024).
- Nature Relatedness: Strong nature relatedness (NR) contributes significantly to subjective well-being by fostering a deeper connection with the natural environment (Nisbet et al., 2010).
Interpersonal Well-being (YOU)
- Social Interactions:
- Research shows that local environmental stewardship by individuals leads to positive social and environmental outcomes, enhancing interpersonal well-being by reducing stress, increasing happiness, fostering empathy and support, and reinforcing the interconnectedness of ecological and social capital, which collectively improve social interactions and relationships (McGinnis & Ostrom, 2012; Tidball & Krasny, 2017; Selman & Knight, 2006).
Collective Well-being (US)
- Environmental Stewardship:
- Promoting sustainable practices and ecological health within the community is essential for long-term well-being (Rennkamp & Marquard, 2017).
- Education on preserving local ecosystems and endemic species is crucial (Chersich et al., 2018).
- Ecological Relational Consciousness:
- Developing a sense of interconnectedness with the environment and other living beings fosters holistic well-being (Narvaez & Weaver, 2024).
- Community Engagement:
- Strengthening social bonds through collective activities like community gardening and eco-tourism fosters a sense of community and purpose (Pool-Stanvliet & Coetzer, 2020).
- Collaborative environmental projects enhance social cohesion and shared responsibility.
Figure 4. GCBR Biosphere Reserve Zone

Anticipated Outcomes
We anticipate increased awareness of the benefits of integrating Positive Psychology principles with environmental stewardship (RPP). Strengthened community bonds and a collective ethos of environmental responsibility are expected, alongside enhanced individual well-being through meaningful interactions with nature.
Figure 5. Example of reciprocity visible in nature anticipated to be replicated in Happy Nature Project

Anticipated Future Direction
Our future planning emphasizes leveraging successful interventions and collaborative efforts to integrate Positive Psychology and environmental stewardship within the Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserve (GCBR), fostering holistic well-being and sustainability.
- Case Studies: Replicate successful Restorative Positive Psychology interventions from similar settings in other Biosphere Reserves.
- GCBR Initiatives: Demonstrate positive impacts on community well-being and environmental health from ongoing GCBR projects.
- Happy Nature Workshops: Highlight the importance of nature reintegration for mental resilience and sustainability.
- Leadership Workshops: Showcase increased productivity and restoration investment through eco-system restoration efforts.
- Happy Nature Summit: Foster collaboration among experts in ecology, positive psychology, and related fields to promote well-being and sustainability.
- Regenerative Model: Position GCBR as a model for regenerative approaches in Positive Psychology, demonstrating the integration of environmental stewardship and well-being.
These initiatives aim to demonstrate how combining Positive Psychology with environmental stewardship can enhance individual, interpersonal, and collective well-being, positioning GCBR as a leading example of sustainable and holistic practices.
The integration of Positive Psychology and environmental well-being principles holds the potential for profound transformations by emphasizing the interconnectedness of human and environmental health, fostering a sustainable future. Future possibilities include conducting further empirical research to validate theoretical propositions, expanding Regenerative Positive Psychology (RPP) interventions to other biosphere reserves and similar contexts, promoting holistic well-being through the integration of Positive Psychology with environmental health, and encouraging sustainable practices through community-based initiatives and collaborative efforts. These directions aim to create a model showcasing the potential for regenerative approaches in Positive Psychology, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable world.
References & Resources
- Trees are honest
- A beautiful connection
- An occasion for unselfing
- Biomimicry
- Biophobia
- Biosphere Reserve for All: Potentials for Involving Underrepresented Age Groups in the Development of a Biosphere Reserve through Intergenerational Practice
- Connection for conservation: The impact of counting butterflies on nature connectedness and wellbeing in citizen scientists
- Conservation Psychology: Understanding and promoting human care for nature
- Connecting with Nature and Engaging with Natural Beauty
- Disconnection from nature: Expanding our understanding of human–nature relations
- Enhancing Nature Connection and Positive Affect in Children through Mindful Engagement with Natural Environments
- Exploring connections among nature, biodiversity, ecosystem services, and human health and well-being: Opportunities to enhance health and biodiversity conservation
- Green Exercise
- Happiness is in our Nature: Exploring Nature Relatedness as a Contributor to Subjective Well-Being
- How forests may support psychological restoration: Modelling forest characteristics based on perceptions of forestry experts and the general public
- Noticing nature: Individual and social benefits of a two-week intervention
- Returning to Evolved Nestedness, Wellbeing, and Mature Human Nature, an Ecological Imperative
- Nature, smells, and human wellbeing
- Beyond the psychology of self and individual’s pro-environmental behaviours: exploring how technology innovations can help organisations achieve and promote sustainability
- The Beyond-Human Natural World: Providing Meaning and Making Meaning
- Refocusing on nature: the role of nature reintegration in environmental, mental, and societal wellbeing
- Regenerative positive psychology: A call to reorient wellbeing science to meet the realities of our world
- The benefits of citizen science and nature-noticing activities for well-being, nature connectedness and pro-nature conservation behaviours
- The Continuum of Eco-Anxiety Responses: A Preliminary Investigation of Its Nomological Network
- The green care code: How nature connectedness and simple activities help explain pro-nature conservation behaviours
- The nature gaze: Eye-tracking experiment reveals well-being benefits derived from directing visual attention towards elements of nature
- The Power of a Profound Experience With Nature: Living With Meaning
- Time Spent in Nature Is Associated with Increased Pro-Environmental Attitudes and Behaviors
- Towards a greater global understanding of wellbeing: A proposal for a more inclusive measure
- Using participatory video in environmental research
- Viewing Nature Scenes Reduces the Pain of Social Ostracism