REstoration | Community

Gouritz Resilient Rivers Project


Goukou River Catchment, Hessequa Municipality



2018 – 2025


DOB Ecology, Cape Nature; Local stakeholders, Hessequa Municipality, CASIDRA, Working for Wetlands

Total Number of Hectares Cleared (initial)

Total Number of Hectares Cleared (follow-up)

Total number of jobs

Total number of persondays worked

Please note: These statistics are quoted from project inception to to end of January 2025

Project Objective:

To reverse biodiversity loss and connect fragmented habitats in the in Gouritz River and Langeberg region (Riversdale-Herbertsdale-Ruiterbos) through restoration of high conservation value mountain, wetland, and river ecosystems, using multiple methods suited to different landscape management contexts.  

This project focuses on restoration of ecologically valuable systems – which are largely located on private land – where limited or no systematic invasive plant eradication or other restoration programmes are being implemented. 


Project Implementation:

Strong emphasis will be placed on experimentation and grounded research and development of innovative, efficient methods, building an evidence base to take to farmers and other stakeholders – with a focus on influencing them and changing behaviour. A mix of methodologies will be deployed, appropriate to different landscape management contexts. These include a mix of restoration methodologies, such as: 

  • Selective clearing of invasive alien plants; 
  • Chipping biomass and mulching for alien seed suppression 
  • Soil erosion control and regeneration interventions; 
  • Rehabilitation and revegetation using indigenous species; 
  • Creating wetland buffer zones 

The project also has a strong focus on job creation, empowering local entrepreneurs and upskilling their teams.

gouritz resilient rivers
gouritz resilient rivers
gouritz resilient rivers
gouritz resilient rivers
gouritz resilient rivers

Invasive Alien Plants (IAPs)