Environmental Awareness: Global Recycling Day

Apr 4, 2024 | Environmental Education, Project News

Global Recycling Day is observed annually on 18 March and aims to highlight recycling as an important global issue that requires an integrated approach and urges people to think “resource” not “waste” when it comes to the goods around us.

With the mounting pressure on natural resources this day also reminds us that, at an individual level we have the power to consider and choose what we consume and that we can “rethink, reduce, reuse and recycle”.

To commemorate Global Recycle Day in 2024 we decided to reach out to kids to raise their awareness about recycling and get them involved in a creative way, while showing them that “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”.  

Marinda and Leila visited Tiny Steps in Riversdale and Lee-Ann visited Duivenhoks Library in Heidelberg during their holiday programme. During these respective visits the GCBR team demonstrated in a very simple way what happens when litter gets into river systems and ends up in the ocean. 

In preparation of this day toilet roll tubes and various other used items were collected for an upcycling craft project. With assistance, the kids made beautiful bees, butterflies, rabbits and octopi.

Through this process the kids had a fun educational experience while still celebrating a very important day in the calendar.

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