IIE MSA 2024 Water Symposium: Citizen Science – Uniting Science and Society for Sustainable Solutions

Jul 15, 2024 | General News

Gouritz Cluster Biosphere Reserves’ junior hydrologist, Nelisiwe Khusi, attended the 3rd annual IIE MSA 2024 Water Symposium, organised by the Centre for Water and the Environment (CWE) at IIE MSA, in partnership with the Ecological Engineering Institute of Africa (EEIA). This year’s theme, “Citizen Science – Uniting Science and Society for Sustainable Solutions” underscored the vital role of citizen science and community involvement in addressing water resource challenges.

The symposium featured contributions from a range of organisations, including UNICEF South Africa, the University of KwaZulu-Natal/WESSA, the Department of Water and Sanitation, the South African National Biodiversity Institute, GroundTruth, WaterCAN, and the University of Johannesburg.

Day 1: Putting the Citizen Back into Science

The first day highlighted the significance of citizen science in tackling environmental issues. Discussions covered the evolution of citizen science projects, the establishment of the Citizen Science Association of Southern Africa, and the development of the Living Catchments Programme. Breakaway discussions explored strategies for involving communities in scientific research, addressing benefits and barriers.

Day 2: Bringing Science to the Citizens

The second day focused on practical applications and lessons learned from citizen science projects. Presentations included the UJ Mobile Lab, which delivers scientific education to communities, and a session on ecological engineering with a focus on wetlands and ecological infrastructure. Additionally, WaterCAN demonstrated how it empowers civil society through citizen science, manages water quality testing, and drives corrective actions to protect South Africa’s water resources. Breakaway discussions concentrated on community involvement in science for sustainability and innovation.

Overall, the 2024 Water Symposium illustrated how engaging communities and stakeholders in scientific research and fostering cross-sector collaboration can address complex water and environmental challenges in a holistic and integrated manner.

Community engagement and the application of citizen science tools are key components of GCBR’s work within the Gouritz Ecological Corridors Project and the Gouritz Resilient Rivers Project. Attending events like the IIE MSA 2024 Water Symposium helps GCBR stay updated on the latest developments in citizen science and practical water management strategies and learn  new methods for involving local communities in conservation efforts.

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