A Tribute to Mr Greg Moore

May 4, 2021 | General News

A Tribute to Mr Greg Moore

We are greatly saddened by the recent untimely passing of Mr Greg Moore, one of our keenest project supporters. Before even hearing about the GCBR and our Corridor Rehabilitation Project, Greg had been waging a ceaseless and thankless war against the black wattle and hakea infestations on his land at the upper end of the Kamma River, all at his own expense.

Greg’s significant environmental achievement shows what can be done by one committed landowner with only two helpers, we were both awed and inspired by what he had achieved, simply because “it had to be done”.

Greg’s friendly way and his calm and practical approach to the conservation of the Kamma River wetland will be sorely missed but we will continue with what he had started to honour his memory.

The Herbertsdale Corridor Team

Halcyone Muller, Donovan Kotze, Ken Coetzee, Bruce Taplin, Wallie Stroebel and Andre Britz

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