Blombos Private Nature Reserve GCBR Flexible Micro Fund Recipient Report Back

Oct 5, 2020 | Micro Fund

In October 2019, Blombos Private Nature Reserve applied for, and received funding from the GCBR Flexible Micro Fund.

The funding was granted for continued alien clearing of Rooikrans on the Blombos Private Nature Reserve. Blombos Estates (Pty) LTD (the holding company) began their own self-funded alien clearing project in March 2019

The funds granted to Blombos Private Nature Reserve were used between the 19th of February 2020 and the 23rd of March 2020. Six weeks of Rooikrans clearing was completed by a team of five. (A team leader and four cutters). The project was completed just as South Africa moved into Covid-19 Level 5 Lockdown.

This successful project speaks to three GCBR Priority Themes and Goals:

  • Land and Landscapes.
  • Biodiversity
  • Economic Diversity and Livelihoods.

Photos below indicate the area where Rooikrans clearing occurred in February and March 2020.

Photos below showing signs of indigenous plant regrowth photographed in September 2020.

An update on Blombos Private Nature Reserve Alien Clearing Project

The alien clearing project resumed on the 6th of July when is was safe and legally appropriate to do so. Since then eight weeks of clearing has taken place.  A further five weeks of clearing is planned for the balance of 2020.

The project continues to provide employment for five men from Vermaaklikheid. This continued job creation is extremely important to the directors of Blombos Estates (Pty) LTD. We continue to see exciting signs of biodiversity in the cleared areas. The cutting has now moved into the 100% infested areas. The stacking method continues to be used.

We have recently met with the Southern Cape Fire Protection Association (SCFPA), and together with the SCFPA, we are planning on trialling some controlled burns of the low risk area stacks. This is to reduce the fuel load of the veld and allow natural vegetation to take hold again.

The alien clearing project will continue in 2021, and we are currently working on a long-term veld management plan.

The directors of Blombos Estates (Pty)LTD, are extremely grateful to GCBR for the granting of this funding to Blombos Private Nature Reserve. The funding was a huge boost to the alien clearing project and the ongoing rehabilitation of the land.

Compiled by Jane te Water Naude, Blombos Private Nature Reserve Alien Clearing Project Leader

Photos courtesy of Jane te Water Naude


Find Out More About the GCBR Micro Fund Here

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