GCBR engages with WRI and WNICBR

Nov 5, 2018 | General News

World Resources Institute (WRI) and more than 30 partners recently launched Resource Watch in Washington, USA and our Chief Executive, Steve Du Toit had the privilege of attending. Resource Watch is a dynamic platform that provides trusted and timely data for a sustainable future. It leverages technology and near-real-time data to bring much needed transparency on the state of the planet’s people, resources and commerce all in one place.

The 8th meeting of the World Network of Island and Coastal Biosphere Reserves (WNICBR) was held in Menorca, Spain between 22 and 26 May 2018. The conference was co-hosted by UNESCO, Jeju Island and Spain. Over 100 people from 33 countries participated in the meeting, and successful cases on biodiversity management and ecosystem restoration, environmental vectors (water resources, waste, climate change), tourism, and marine management were presented.

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