Dear GREF Stakeholder
The Garden Route Environmental Forum (GREF) hosted the second instalment of its key stakeholder event on 11 December in George.
Attended by representatives of environmental managers and conservation entities across the board in the Southern Cape, the GREF event remains the premier environmental forum in the Southern Cape.
Delivering the keynote address at the event, Mr Anton Bredell, Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, emphasised the role of sound environmental management in the agricultural sector, which remains a key economic driver in the region.
Making use of the GREF public platform, a number of government departments, local authorities and environmental management bodies reported on progress made including matters ranging from marine and coastal management, invasive alien plant management, climate change and adaption and environmental planning and best practice.
There are a number of GREF projects and programmes underway in 2020, and participants on the database will be kept informed and invited as the year progress.
Attached please find the relevant links to the presentations and articles.
The GREF Secretariat would like to thank you for your attendance and participation at the key stakeholder report-back event.