Garden Route City Nature Challenge 2020

Apr 20, 2020 | General News

Friday 24 April – Monday 27 April 2020
Garden Route City Nature Challenge 2020

The City Nature Challenge is still on – in true lockdown fashion. Everything in and around your home and the terrain you are safely allowed to be on can be recorded. From the moth on the lampshade, the snoozing cat on the rocking chair, the little mouse in the pantry, geckos on the stoep wall, granny’s pride – the potted fern and the woodlice under its drip tray – plus all the birds, bees plants and other creatures outside. Have a look all the great ways to attract and record insects easily at  your home – Bioblitzing Goggos:

Actually this City Nature Challenge is incredibly important. As humans are sequestered, one can get an idea for the very first time what life in the vicinity of a 2020 looks like when it comes to Mother Nature. What we allow and prefer in our spaces. What we have removed and what we have lost and what we are losing – and where this is happening.

Do not miss out on this fun, incredibly stimulating experience to be part of something bigger, something positive in the world. Fun to fit all ages!

Remember that photos, sound clips and videos are uploaded onto Check your date, time and locality settings on your equipment. Only material recorded from the Friday to the Monday in the Garden Route District Municipal area will be included in the Garden Route City Nature Challenge 2020. Wild, captive and cultivated – all acceptable as observations. There is time to upload and identify the interesting finds until Monday, May the 3rd. You do not have to identify your observations yourself. If you are an expert in any field, now is your chance to jump in and help with identifications.

How to use iNaturalist or the iNat phone App? Online training material is available or contact Nicky and Louw (Knysna), Shaun, Colin (George) or Sandra (Mossel Bay) for trouble shooting or guidance when it comes to uploads or using the Identify Tool. Direct any queries to Christine at

News, tips and updates are on the Facebook page: Garden Route City Nature Challenge and follow the event on

iNaturalist rescues Lockdown SA

If you love being outdoors, then being cooped up might be hard for you. Or, if you were just always at work and now runout of DIY supplies at home – then this is for you. Even more so if you are competitive and enjoy stats crunching!

To cater for Lockdown heeby-jeebies in southern Africa an umbrella Lockdown Project was set up on iNaturalist. All observations made during the prescribed lockdown period in southern Africa are pulled into these projects. Included in the parent umbrella are separate sub-projects for the cities registered for City Nature Challenge.

Despite low numbers of observers, the Garden Route is doing pretty well in the observations and species stakes.

None of us know what is in store for us in the months ahead. Here is an opportunity to shift focus, reconnect and discover what is right under our noses. For example, a call was made to Capetonians to find chameleons and moths in the city – the results are a delight! So, take part and contribute or follow what the naturalists in southern Africa are sharing. For the Lockdown Projects captive and cultivated organism count too.

This is also an ideal platform for being creative in what to research and who to interact with. A recce of can spark ideas and dreams during lockdown. For many students and learners it is time to be back at the books, in online mode though. No doubt iNaturalist can play an enabling role to enrich but most certainly caters for cerebral escapism too!

Do take care! Greentings – Sandra

16 April 2020

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