GCBR advisors Cosman Bolus and Dr Donovan Kotze visited our Riversdale offices and targeted restoration sites to assist in the development of practical guidelines for the implementation of our biodiversity baseline assessments and monitoring.
The development workshop was led by our Gouirtz Corridors & Restoration Programme Manager, Rita Liebenberg, also participating was her right-hand man, Field Manager & Programme Assistant, Mark Jantjies; our newly appointed Coastal Extension Officer, Dr Wilhelm de Beer and our SANBI Groen Sebenza Interns.
During the workshop, priority assessment areas were first identified, and site visits were then conducted to determine what work would be required for the baseline assessments. This work feeds into the Gouritz Resilient Rivers Project, which primarily focuses on restoring ecologically valuable systems. A variety of methodologies tailored to different landscape management contexts are applied. These methodologies include:
- Selective clearing of invasive alien plants
- Chipping biomass and mulching for alien seed suppression
- Soil erosion control and regeneration interventions
- Rehabilitation and revegetation using indigenous species.
- Creating wetland buffer zones
By the end of March 2023 GCBR has cleared a total of 7553 initial hectares and 1660 follow-up hectares through the project. To learn more about the projects implemented by the GCBR, kindly follow link : https://gouritz.com/projects/

Visiting some of the identified priority areas